Maternity leave
A period of rest that all workers have in the event of childbirth, adoption or foster care, without losing their salary or labor rights. There are 16 uninterrupted weeks, extendable by 2 more weeks in the event of disability of the child and in the case of multiple birth, adoption or foster care, for each child, starting with the second.
You will find all the information about the requirements and documentation to be submitted here. here
Paternity leave
La duración del permiso de paternidad en España es de 16 semanas, tras sucesivas mejoras en los últimos años.
Toda la información sobre los requisitos y documentación a presentar la encontraréis aquí o en el 900 166 565
The place to apply is at the offices of the National Social Security Institute (INSS).
Third child birth or adoption benefit
In cases of large families, single-parent families and in cases of mothers with a disability equal to or greater than 65%. This is a lump sum financial benefit which is recognized for the birth or adoption of a child in large families or families which, for this reason, acquire such status, in single-parent families and in the case of mothers with a disability equal to or greater than 65%, provided that a certain level of income according to income is not exceeded. The benefit is not recognized in cases of foster care. More information
Multiple birth benefit
This is a one-time financial assistance when the number of children born in one birth or adopted at the same time is equal to or greater than two. More information
ID card and passport
Exemption in the DNI or passport issuance fees, both in new issues and in case of renewal due to expiration, theft or loss.
Registration tax
As a large family you are entitled to a 50% reduction of the registration tax on the taxable base of the fee, for large families, provided that the following requirements are met:
- The vehicle must be new.
- Capacity between 5 and 9 seats.
- The registration must be in the name of the father, mother or both together.
- At least 4 years must have elapsed since the registration of another vehicle in the parent's name (except in the case of total loss).
- The vehicle in question may not be transferred inter vivos during the 4 years following the date of registration. For further information, please contact

Air, ship and train
Airplane: Members of large families will enjoy a 5% reduction if they are classified in the general category and a 10% reduction, in the special category, on fares for regular domestic air transport services.
Boat:20% reduction if they are classified in the general category, and 50% in the special category, on the existing tariffs for the use of regular maritime cabotage transport lines.
Train: 20% or 50% discount, according to general or special category, in RENFE and road transportation. May be combined with other discounts.

Program of assistance to young people (Renting): Facilitate the enjoyment of decent and adequate housing for young people under 35 years of age, either on a rental basis or through direct aid for the acquisition of housing located in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants. Web
Rental subsidies: Web Generalitat Valenciana
Bono Social: The Bono Social de Electricidad is a discount on the electricity bill. Web
Domestic employees: 45% rebate on Social Security contributions when hiring a person to take care of the children and the household. The requirement is that both parents work outside the home, except in the case of special category families. More information
Youth Card
- 50 % on the payment of the fee for general category families.
- Total exemption from payment of the fee for large families of special category.
- Supporting documentation: large family card, or if applicable, resolution of the competent body Web
Guide to family assistance and services
- The Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 publishes a new edition of this "Guide to Social Aid and Services for Families", which aims to provide updated information to people with family responsibilities on the benefits, benefits and services available to them in the field of the General State Administration. Guide