2002: Birth of the idea
In July the idea began, half jokingly, half seriously, to create a Large Families Association in Aldaia, while two parents were watching their children play in a playground.

Our first Board of Directors was formed by:
- Chairman: Eduardo Pinazo González
- Vice-president: Cayetano Perelló Vilar
- Secretary: Pascual Medina Iglesia
- Treasurer: José Luis Haro Pedro
- Member: Mª del Mar Martínez Montero
- Member: Luis Enrique Sedano Herrán
- Member: Sara Pérez Icarán
- Member: Mª Ángeles Garrigós Sancho
At that time ASFANA only had the 8 members that formed the provisional Board.
By the month of October, the first statutes began to be drafted, which were presented in December and subsequently had to be adapted to the new Law of Associations 1/2002 of March 22nd.
2003: Constitution of the FOUNDING BOARD
The original Board of Directors is maintained.
We are granted from the Aldaia City Council, a local to serve families, located in the Cultural Center Joaquin Sorolla, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
For the first time we were interviewed in a radio station, the Aldaia radio station.
The Statutes of ASFANA were approved on May 23, 2003 and the number assigned to ASFANA in the Registry of Associations of Valencia (CV-01-035514-V).
We were granted the CIF by the Tax Agency.
A letter was submitted to the Valencia Zoo to present ourselves and request bonuses.
We held meetings with the Mayoress of Aldaia, Amparo Navarro and the Mayoress of Alaquas, Jorge Alarte and the General Director of Family, Ms. Rosario Calatayud.
Also with the President of the UMA (Union Musical de Aldaia), Elias Navarro and with the Manager of the Cines BONAIRE, as well as with the company FERNANBUS.
Aldaia obtained the IBI rebate in Aldaia as well as aid for books and school supplies, increasing such aid by 50% compared to the rest of the population.
2004: Constitution of the FOUNDING BOARD
On June 4, 2004, at 7 p.m., the statutes of the FEDERACIÓN DE FAMILIAS NUMEROSAS DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA, formed by ASAFAN (Alicante), ASFANA (Aldaia-Alaquàs), FANUCAS (Castellón) and +de2 (Valencia), were approved and signed. The Founding Board was created, which was formed by:
- CHAIRMAN: Benito Zuazu (ASAFAN)
- VICE CHAIRMAN: Juan Manuel Ramos (FANUCAS)
- SECRETARY: Rafael Montagud (+D2)
- TREASURER: Eduardo Pinazo (ASFANA)
- VOCAL: Sara Pérez Icarán (ASFANA)
- VOCAL: Ignacio Viché (ASAFAN)
- VOCAL: José Ángel García (+D2)
We participated for the first time in the Spring Fair held in the Sequieta Park in Alaquàs.
We were present at the IV National Congress of Large Families held in Santiago de Compostela.
As a curiosity, we made the first T-shirts with the logo of our association to distribute among our members.
Contacts were initiated with the Nursing Council of the Valencian Community (CECOVA) to start the health education campaign "Healthy Breakfasts" in schools in the towns of Aldaia and Alaquas.
An agreement is signed between ASFANA and CAdA merchants, to which more than 70 businesses of different commercial activities have adhered.
ASFANA's bylaws were modified so that the name would appear in Alaquas: Asociación de Familias Numerosas de Aldaia-Alaquas.
On December 12, the First Festival of Large Families was held at the Teatre del Mercat. The event was attended by the Mayor of Aldaia, Amparo Navarro, the Councillor for Urban Planning (Francesc Ferrer), the Director of Caixa Popular (Francisco Montesa) a representative of the Regional Federation of Large Families (Sara Perez) and a representative of the company SAFTA (Vicente Forment). Different performances were carried out by our youngest and not so young, who delighted the audience that practically filled the theater. There were also different raffles of gifts among our members, thanking for the collaboration received by the Caixa Popular and the school supplies company SAFTA. Raffles were held among the attendees and the traditional snack of ensaimada and chocolate for children.
Board 2004:
- Chairman: Eduardo Pinazo González
- Vice-president: Cayetano Perelló Vilar
- Secretary: Pasqual Medina Iglesia
- Vice-Secretary: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- Treasurer: José Luis Haro Pedro
- Member: Sara Pérez Icarán
- Member: Mª Mar Martínez Montero
- Member: Luis Enrique Sedano Herrán
- Member: Victoria Calvo Blanco
- Member: Ascensión Avilés García
- Member: Carlos Sanchis Botet
- Member: Enrique Martínez Navarro
2005: Social Welfare Council
On April 5, the inauguration of the health education activity called HEALTHY BREAKFAST was held at the Mariano Serra School in Aldaia.
ASFANA is incorporated as a member of the Aldaia Social Welfare Council.
We attended events such as the Fórum d'Encontre "20 anys de Serveis Socials", SEAFI Camp de Turia in Lliria, presentation of the l Premi d'Estudis Locals d'Aldaia and the I Fira de la Solidaritat d'Aldaia and the XI Feria de Primavera in Alaquàs.
Also ASFANA President Eduardo Pinazo, accompanied by the presidents of ASAFAN, FANUCAS and +DE2, were present at the headquarters of the National Federation of Large Families for the designation of FANUCOVA as representative federation of the Valencian Community.
ASFANA requests FANUCOVA to stop the process of inclusion in the Family Forum of the Valencian Community.
Meetings in the City Councils of Aldaia, Alaquas, Valencia, Chiva and Sueca. Also with the Deputy Rafael Perales of the Diputación de Valencia for bonuses for large families.
A complaint was filed by ASFANA against El Corte Inglés for an advertising spot. Also letters to the Ombudsman and to the Presidency of the Government (both were answered).
Meetings with the frozen food company ABORDO and the UMA (Unión Musical de Aldaia).
Celebration of the II Festival for Large Families enlivened by the Grup Animacio. The Mayoress of Aldaia, Mrs. Empar Navarro, the Director of Caixa Popular Mr. Francisco Montesa were present.
Board 2006:
- Chairman: Eduardo Pinazo González
- Vice-president: Cayetano Perelló Vilar
- Secretary: Pasqual Medina Iglesia
- Vice-secretary: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- Treasurer: José Luis Haro Pedro
- Member: Sara Pérez Icarán
- Member: Mª Mar Martínez Montero
- Member: Luis Enrique Sedano Herrán
- Member: Victoria Calvo Blanco
- Member: Ascensión Avilés García
- Member: Carlos Sanchis Botet
- Member: Enrique Martínez Navarro
2006: Internet presence
The ASFANA Delegation was created in Bétera, which will also serve the area of Serra and Náquera. Arantxa Martín Bedate was appointed as its delegate and was given the statutes and other necessary documentation to start the administrative procedures.
ASFANA now has its own domain on the Internet. www.asfana.org
ASFANA was present at the stand of the Federation of Large Families of the Valencian Community in the event that took place for the celebration of Family Day in the Garden of Viveros in Valencia. Also at the Spring Fair held in the Sequieta Park in Alaquàs, the Solidarity Fair in the Plaza de la Constitución in Aldaia and the talk given by Médicos Mundi in Aldaia. A new campaign of Healthy Breakfasts was held.
Attendance to the final evaluation of the Integral Plan of the Family and Childhood of the Valencian Community 2002-2005 with the presence of the President of the Generalitat D. Francisco Camps. ASFANA also attended the presentation of the Dependency Law in Aldaia in the presence of the Secretary of State for Social Services, Families and Disability, Amparo Valcarce, with whom ASFANA met to inform her of the non-compliance of FENEBUS.
New meeting with the City Councils of Aldaia, Alaquas, Torrent and Xiva. Also with Aigues de L'Horta in Torrent.
On December 17, in the Teatre del Mercat de Aldaia, was held the III Festival of the Large Family enlivened by a couple of comedians-magicians. It was attended by municipal authorities, such as the Mayor, the Councillor for Social Welfare and Culture. Also attended by representatives of the collaborating companies (SAFTA SA and Caixa Popular). Raffles were held among the attendees and the traditional snack of ensaimada and chocolate for children.
Board 2006:
- Chairman: Eduardo Pinazo González
- Vice-president: Cayetano Perelló Vilar
- Secretary: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- Vice-secretary: Sara Pérez Icarán
- Treasurer: José Luis Haro Pedro
- Member: Mª Mar Martínez Montero
- Member: Luis Enrique Sedano Herrán
- Member: Victoria Calvo Blanco
- Member: Ascensión Avilés García
- Member: Carlos Sanchis Botet
- Member: Enrique Martínez Navarro
2007: New premises
We are moving from our old headquarters in the Plaza de la Constitución to a new location assigned by the Aldaia City Council. It is the toy library of the CC Matilde Salvador, in the Plaza del Pais Valençia of Aldaia. Our opening hours will continue to be on Tuesdays from 20 to 21 hours.
ASFANA attends events such as the celebration of the XV Anniversary of the Mother and Child Psychological Support Program in the TAMA of Aldaia, the International Congress "Concilia Europa" in the Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music of Lliria, the IX Conference of RIICOTEC (Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network for Technical Cooperation) held in Aldaia, the IX Conference of RIICOTEC (Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network of Technical Cooperation) held in Aldaia, the events of the International Day against Gender Violence, the Awards Ceremony for the Work Developed in favor of the Family of the Valencian Community, which was held at the Cultural Center La Beneficencia.
A new edition of the Healthy Breakfasts campaign has been held
Interview with the Mayor of Paterna, the new Councilor of Education, Childhood and Family, Elena Enguix. of Aldaia, with the new General Director of Family, Ms. Carolina Martinez, at the Department of Social Welfare and meeting with the Vice President and Councilor of Social Welfare, Mr. Juan Cotino.
Agreements with Aigües de L'Horta and the City Councils of Aldaia and Torrent, with Parque Adai and the Mariano Serra School of Aldaia, which extends its benefits to Large Families.
On December 16, in the Teatre del Mercat of Aldaia, the IV Festival for Large Families was held, enlivened by Rhythmic Gymnastics Girls and the Magician Gran Davinny. It was attended by a large audience who enjoyed the typical snack for everyone, the raffles of gifts among those present, courtesy of SAFTA S.A., Caixa Popular and ASFANA.
Board 2007
- Chairman: Eduardo Pinazo González
- Vice-president: Cayetano Perelló Vilar
- Secretary: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- Vice-secretary: Sara Pérez Icarán
- Treasurer: José Luis Haro Pedro
- Member: Mª Mar Martínez Montero
- Member: Luis Enrique Sedano Herrán
- Member: Victoria Calvo Blanco
- Member: Ascensión Avilés García
- Member: Carlos Sanchis Botet
- Member: Enrique Martínez Navarro
2008: Presentation in Bétera
Presentation of ASFANA in the Plenary Hall located in the Castle of Bétera.
During this year we attended the Inauguration of the Women's Week in Aldaia, the XIII Spring Fair, the IV Edition of the Solidarity Fair, held in Aldaia, the I Day of intervention with Large Families held in Orihuela, the VI Trovada d'associacions de Aldaia, the 30th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution held in Aldaia, the IV European Congress of Large Families held in Barcelona.
ASFANA was present at the ceremony of presentation to the people of Aldaia, the Queen Sofia Award for Accessibility with which it has been awarded. It is worth mentioning the presence of the Vice President of the Government Mrs. Mª Teresa Fernández de la Vega. At the end of the event that filled the Auditori TAMA, the president of ASFANA, Eduardo Pinazo and the delegate in Camp de Turia Arantxa Martin held an interview with her. He also attended the cross-cutting agreement that affects nine ministries and the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. The event was chaired by President Francisco Camps who also delivered the first individual cards of the Title of Large Family.
The General Assembly of the Valencian Federation of Large Families (FANUCOVA) was held with a new Board of Directors:
- CHAIRMAN: Mr. Ignacio Peña (AVAFAM)
- VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Benito Zuazu (ASAFAN)
- VICE CHAIRMAN: Mr. Eduardo Pinazo (ASFANA)
- TREASURER: Mr. Fernando Bosch (AVAFAM)
- SECRETARY: Mr. Federico Costa (+ of 2)
- VOCAL: D. Celia Chavero (+ of 2)
- VOCAL: Ms. Arantxa Martín (ASFANA)
- VOCAL: Mrs. Mª Ángeles Fabri
- VOCAL: Mr. Juan Manuel Ramos
Interview with ASFANA on Radio Nacional de España
We enjoyed activities such as an excursion to PortAventura, a coexistence day at the BioParc in Valencia, Halloween in ASFANA through the streets of Bétera and a new campaign "Healthy Breakfast and Healthy Drinks" in Aldaia.
Meeting at the Department of Social Welfare, Aldaia and Alaquas City Councils, General Director of Family Ms. Carolina Martínez and attendance at the signing of Fundación + Familia and Generalitat Valenciana.
We also held commercial meetings with Aguas de Valencia, Fernanbús and the Entitat de Transpot Metropolità de València (eTM), Talleres Hermar.
ASFANA was chosen for the delivery of the first Bono Metro for Large Families. We also got the application of 25% in the leisure pool located in the sports center of Aldaia and the IBI bonus in Bétera.
On December 20, as usual, the V Christmas Festival was held at the Teatre del Mercat in Aldaia. It was attended by representatives of the city councils of Aldaia (Empar Navarro, Mayoress and Elena Enguix, Councilwoman of Family) and Alaquàs (Eva Martínez, Councilwoman of Urbanism and Cristina Blasco, Councilwoman of Social Welfare). Raffles were held among the attendees and the traditional snack of ensaimada and chocolate for children. It was enlivened by Ballroom Dancing composed by Toni and Sandra and José and Miriam, from Benimamet and David the Magician.
ASFANA attends events such as the celebration of the XV Anniversary of the Mother and Child Psychological Support Program in the TAMA of Aldaia, the International Congress "Concilia Europa" in the Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music of Lliria, the IX Conference of RIICOTEC (Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network for Technical Cooperation) held in Aldaia, the IX Conference of RIICOTEC (Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network of Technical Cooperation) held in Aldaia, the events of the International Day against Gender Violence, the Awards Ceremony for the Work Developed in favor of the Family of the Valencian Community, which was held at the Cultural Center La Beneficencia.
A new edition of the Healthy Breakfasts campaign has been held
Interview with the Mayor of Paterna, the new Councilor of Education, Childhood and Family, Elena Enguix. of Aldaia, with the new General Director of Family, Ms. Carolina Martinez, at the Department of Social Welfare and meeting with the Vice President and Councilor of Social Welfare, Mr. Juan Cotino.
Agreements with Aigües de L'Horta and the City Councils of Aldaia and Torrent, with Parque Adai and the Mariano Serra School of Aldaia, which extends its benefits to Large Families.
On December 16, in the Teatre del Mercat of Aldaia, the IV Festival for Large Families was held, enlivened by Rhythmic Gymnastics Girls and the Magician Gran Davinny. It was attended by a large audience who enjoyed the typical snack for everyone, the raffles of gifts among those present, courtesy of SAFTA S.A., Caixa Popular and ASFANA.
2008 Board:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 1: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 2: Mª del Mar Martínez Montero
- VOCAL 3: Ascensión Avilés García
- VOCAL 4: Tomás Olmeda Moreno
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchis Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Mª Dolores García Sarabia
- VOCAL 8: Faustino Paños Toro
- VOCAL 9: Raquel Esteban Chaparro
2009: Awards
ASFANA was awarded a Diploma in recognition of the work carried out in favor of the family in the Valencian Community.
We attended the Working Days for Professionals of the Associations, which took place in the External Hostelry of the Monastery of Santa Cruz de Valle de los Caídos, the Inauguration of the Year of Solidarity in the Monastery of El Puig, the inauguration of the "Setmana de la Dona" in Aldaia, the Women's Week in Bétera, the round table organized by the Federation of Large Families of the Valencian Community, the International Tourism Fair in Valencia, the presentation of the PreCisA program that took place in the International Tourism Fair in Valencia, the presentation of the PreCisA program in Valencia, Women's Week in Bétera, round table organized by the Federation of Large Families of the Valencian Community, at the International Tourism Fair in Valencia, presentation of the PreCisA program that took place at the Prince Felipe Museum of the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, XIV Spring Fair in Alaquàs, V Solidarity Fair in Aldaia, the III Conference on the "Dependency Law" in Aldaia, the Conference for Managers of Associations of the FEFN held in Segovia, the congress 'Conciliation for equality' held in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Valencia and the International Children's Day in Valencia, the International Children's Day in Bétera, the fifth edition of the traditional Christmas campaign "Métele un Gol a la Pobreza", an initiative carried out in collaboration with the Valencia Football Club Foundation, the II Feria de Comercio de Bétera.
The General Assembly was held in the Assembly Hall of the Castle of Bétera and ASFANA freezes the membership fees for this year at 15 €.
Interview in Cadena SER and Radio Nou.
On May 9, at the Hotel "La Calderona" in Bétera, ASFANA organized the First Conference "En Familia + Divertido" on Drug Dependence and Alcoholism in Adolescents, chosen for its content as the inaugural event of the commemorative acts of the 600th anniversary of the founding by Father Jofre of the first institution for the mentally ill, with the participation of the Magistrate of the Juvenile Court No. 1 of Granada, Mr. Emilio Calatayud.
We also carried out activities such as the new Healthy Breakfasts campaign, a recycling talk sponsored by the Department of the Environment and the Bétera City Council, a visit to the Interactive Bus of the Generalitat Valenciana, which visited Bétera, the events of the Centenary of the Spanish Aviation at the Bétera Military Base, a day of brotherhood at the Dinópolis Theme Park (Teruel), the II Edition of Dirige tu Vida: Taller de Cine 2009 (Lead your Life: Film Workshop 2009).
We met with the Mayor of Bétera, the Chief Commissioner of the Paterna Police, Mr. Luis Jordán, the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Ms. Sofía Tomás Dolz, General Director of Drug Addiction of the Department of Health, the Deputy of Social Welfare, Ms. Amparo Mora, the Department of Transport, the Mayoress of Alaquàs, the Entitat de Transport Metropolitá with its Director Mr. Aurelio López, with the EMT.
The Valencian Triathlon Federation and ASFANA signed an agreement, also with the Aldaia Soccer School and GEOX Stores. The IBI will no longer be necessary to apply for it every year in Aldaia and the Large Families of Alaquàs will have a discount on water.
On December 12 was held the VI ASFANA Christmas Festival attended by a large number of people, including the mayoress of Aldaia, the vice president of the FEFN, the Regional Secretary of Family. Raffles were held among the attendees and the traditional snack of ensaimada and chocolate for children. It was enlivened by David the Magician. The I ASFANA Awards were presented to PAPELERIA AGUÑA, AYTO ALDAIA, AYTO BETERA and SAFTA SA.
2009 Board:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 1: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 2: Mª del Mar Martínez Montero
- VOCAL 3: Ascensión Avilés García
- VOCAL 4: Tomás Olmeda Moreno
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Mª Dolores García Sarabia
- VOCAL 8: Faustino Paños Toro
- VOCAL 9: Raquel Esteban Chaparro
2010: Media interviews
Participation in the IV Working Days for Professionals of the Associations held in Madrid, the IV Edition of the Local Studies Awards in Aldaia, the Forgotten Conflicts Talk, held in Bétera, the "Clara Campoamor" awards ceremony in Alaquas, the opening ceremony of the "Red Cross in CC Bonaire", the closing ceremony of the "Year of Solidarity", the Trade Fair in Ribarroja, the II Sports Gala in Aldaia, the I Congress
II Day "En Familia + Divertido": Food and Sport as Healthy Habits, held at the CC Bonaire in Aldaia. It was attended by the Honorable 3rd Vice President and Minister of Environment, Water and Housing, Mr. Juan Gabriel Cotino. Empar Navarro, the Councilor for Education, Childhood and Family, Ms. Elena Enguix, the President of ASFANA, Mr. Eduardo Pinazo, the Manager of CC Bonaire, Mr. Enrique Bayón and the Manager of ALCAMPO, Mr. Jaime Monfort.
International Resilience, the presentation of the 2010 Family Work Awards, the XV Spring Festival in Alaquàs, the International Festival of Children's Communication, the laying of the first stone of the multipurpose building and the presentation of the Bústia Ciutatana in Bétera, the EFR (Empresa Familiarmente Responsable) initiative, Management Model in Conciliation and Equality in the Valencian Community, the inauguration of the Municipal School "Llaboreta" in Aldaia, the II International Congress "Women in the World: Leading the Millennium", the VII National Congress of Large Families held in Madrid, the commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Aldaia, the Technical Conference on Family Policies at the Department of Social Welfare, the inauguration of "La Llotgeta" of Aldaia and a new edition of the Healthy Breakfasts.
Attendance at the presentation of the new season of radio Aldaia and interview on Levante TV and weekly participation in the talk show La calaixera of Radio Nou.
Meetings with CC Bonaire and Fepad, Aldaia Social Welfare Council, Benisanó Town Council, Bétera Town Council
Change statutes ASFANA Large Families to make Aldaia and Alaquas disappear from the name. Increase of the membership fee to 30 € and CONTRACTING MAIDA.
The resource bank is offered to families, and agreements are signed with Seguros Vitalicio, Techsolutions, Aegon Salud, Parc Educatiu "El Semàfor", Laserstetics, La Calderona, Geo Viajes Joyas Rurales, Espai Lliure and AC Hoteles, Paidesport Center and Motoskape, City Council of Bétera with and modification of the ordinance of public prices and Summer School, City Council of Benisanó with bonus for IBI, the AMPA of IES Salvador Gadea de Aldaia to apply a 15% discount.
On December 12, the Christmas Festival was held in the Auditorium of Alaquas, with the attendance of the Mayoress of Alaquas, Elvira García, the Mayoress of Aldaia, Carmen Jávega and the Vice President of the Consell, Juan Cotino. Raffles were held among the attendees and the traditional snack of ensaimada and chocolate for children. It was enlivened by David the Magician and Pedro Moya, magician and juggler. The II ASFANA Awards went to: CC Bonaire, Farmacia Albiñana and Fepad.
2010 Board:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 1: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 2: Tomás Olmeda Moreno
- VOCAL 3: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 4: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 5: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
2011: Presidency of Facunova
After several previous meetings with families in the area, it was decided to create the ASFANA Delegation in Requena.
We were present at events such as the awarding of the Premi d'Estudis Locals d'Aldaia, the tourism fair ATURFAM, commemoration of the day of rare diseases, conferences for professionals in Madrid, the act of gratitude in the "Friday in Family" Day, the ECA awards ceremony, congregation organized by CC Bonaire, the presentation of the 2nd Plan of Drug Addiction in Aldaia, the events of the IV International Day of Autism, the opening ceremony of the Museum of Aldaia fan, the presentation of the Week of the Elderly, the presentation of the Plan + Family, the Spring Fair in Alaquàs, the fair of associations in Requena, the fair of associations in Requena, the fair of associations in Requena, the fair of associations in Requena, the fair of associations in Requena, the fair of associations in Madrid, the fair of associations in Madrid, the fair of associations in Madrid, the fair of associations in Madrid. The associations fair in Requena, the presentation of the Aldaia market loyalty card, the Náquera Trade Fair, the "Wise Companies" awards ceremony, the 7th Aldaia Solidarity Fair, the conference of the Councilor for Justice and Social Welfare, the Universal Children's Day and the institutional act on the International Day against Gender Violence. Attendance at the commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, in Aldaia. Collaboration in the campaign "Score a goal against poverty".
Participation in radio Requena and the talk show La calaixera de Radio Nou.
Organization of the III Jornada En Familia + Divertido Nuevas Tecnologías... ¿Nuevos Problemas? Held at the Castle of Alaquas and attended by the Vicepresident of the Consell, Juan Cotino and the Conseller de Bienestar Social, among other authorities. Official inauguration of the parking spaces for Large Families in the C.C. Bonaire. Collaboration in the Spring Fair in Viveros with AVAPACE, healthy breakfasts and drinks campaign, textbook exchange campaign, organization of an excursion to a winery in Requena. Organization of a visit to the Bodies exhibition at Kinepolis. Attendance at the presentation of "Indiana Jones" at the City of Arts and Sciences.
Meetings in the City Council of Alaquàs, Requena and with the Deputy of Social Welfare.
Signing of a collaboration agreement with the Aldaia City Council, agreement with the company DETAIL CAR and new agreements with several companies.
On December 16, the VIII Christmas Festival was held, attended by the President of the Corts Mr. Juan Cotino, the General Director of Family and Women, Ms. Celia Ortega, the Mayor of Aldaia, Ms. Carmen Jávega, the Mayor of Alaquàs, Ms. Elvira García. Raffles were held among the attendees. It was enlivened by ballroom dancing and a new performance by David the Magician. The ASFANA award winners in the III edition were: Juan Cotino, Kinepolis and MOTOSKAPE.
ASFANA holds the Presidency of FANUCOVA
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González.
- VICE-CHAIRMAN: Benito Zuazu Sánchez.
- VICE-CHAIRMAN: Juan Manuel Ramos Mateo.
- SECRETARY: Federico Costa-Jussà Bordas.
- TREASURER: Angeles Fabrí Lagüens
- VOCAL: Celia Chavero Escamilla
- VOCAL: Arancha Martín Bedate
- VOCAL: Fernando Bosch Cano
- VOCAL: Fernando Hernández Guijarro
- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Federico Costa-Jussà Bordas.
Board 2011
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 1: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 2: Tomás Olmeda Moreno
- VOCAL 3: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 4: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 5: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
2012: Superfamilias Card.
Participation and organization of the VIII National Congress of Large Families "Protagonists of Change" held at the Valencia Fairgrounds. Participation in the events of the International Autism Day. Attendance at an event for businessmen and businesswomen. Participation in the Spring Fair. Attendance at the presentation of Metrovalencia. Participation in the Solidarity Fair of Aldaia. Participation in the International Day against gender violence. Participation in the I campaign "Ayudando, ayudas". Attendance at the Conference for professionals of associations in Toledo.
Celebration of the IV Jornada En Familia + divertido, entitled "Familias de Cine" with the collaboration of Mas de Dos, held at the Kinépolis Cinemas. Activity at the Teatro Principal where families enjoyed the Musical "Sonrisas y Lágrimas". Healthy breakfasts and drinks campaign and new textbook exchange campaign. Organization of an activity at NATURIA about the environment, its care and waste recycling.
New format of our website and Presentation of our ASFI Mascot
Meeting with the President of the Generalitat, with Caritas and Civil Protection in Bétera and the City Council of Requena.
Meeting with CARREFOUR in Madrid, to launch the signing of the agreement and later presentation of the CARREFOUR Superfamilias card. Also with Pollos Planes, with Ortofon and with the Aldaia Merchants Association (ACODA).
On December 16 our traditional Christmas Festival was held, which was attended by the Mayor of Aldaia, Mrs. Carmen Jábega, Councillors and Councilwomen.
Diplomas were awarded to our volunteers. Raffles were held among the attendees and a group of clowns entertained the festival. The IV edition of the ASFANA Awards was held with the following winners: Territorial Directorate official, ASFANA Requena, Carrefour.
2012 Board:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 1: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 2: Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL 3: Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL 4: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL 8: Pilar Solaz Matéu
- VOCAL 9: Cecibell Avendaño Lara
- VOCAL 10: Mario Morán Planas
- VOCAL 11: Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VOCAL 12: M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández
2013: Consolidating actions
Attendance at the Training Days for Associations in Madrid, at the awards ceremony for Women's Day, at the awards ceremony for work in favor of the Family. Participation in the first anniversary of the SUPERFAMILIAS card of Carrefour, in the Spring Fair of Alaquàs, in the Youth Fair in Bétera. Attendance at the opening of the exhibition "Generamos Igualdad" (We Generate Equality). Attendance at the commemoration of Universal Children's Day organized by the City of Valencia. Participation in the International Day against Gender Violence and reading of manifesto. Participation in the III Charity Catwalk against cancer in Bétera and in the Christmas Fair in Náquera.
V Day "En Familia + Divertido" with the slogan "Back to being children", held in Requena. Celebration of the X Anniversary of ASFANA in Bonaire with presence at the information point in Bonaire for the X anniversary of ASFANA. Excursion to El Remedio (Utiel). Course of balloon twisting in ASFANA.
Relocation to new headquarters, presence at the Information Point in Utiel. Maintenance of resource bank. Textbook campaign. Volunteer talk at the Youth Week in Bétera.
Meetings in the Aldaia Social Welfare Council, with the City Council of Siete Aguas. Meeting with EGEVASA (water supply company). Signing of agreements with ACODA businesses.
Organization and celebration of the X Christmas Festival in the TAMA of Aldaia, with the Falla Ramón y Cajal de Torrent who offered us a brilliant version of the play REY LEON. The winners in its V edition were: ACODA, Ayto Requena and Ayto Serra.
2013 Board:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 1: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 2: Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL 3: Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL 4: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL 8: Pilar Solaz Matéu
- VOCAL 9: Cecibell Avendaño Lara
- VOCAL 10: Mario Morán Planas
- VOCAL 11: Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VOCAL 12: M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández
2014: Aldaida-Alaquas.
Attendance at the inauguration of the XIII Jornada de Emergencias y Seguridad Pública, at the training sessions for Associations in Madrid, at the delivery of signatures for the EMT bonus, at the Parque Oeste fair organized by the Dirección General de Familia. Participation in the Bétera Trade Fair, the Solidarity Fair in Aldaia, the Spring Fair in Alaquàs and the Associations Fair in Requena. Attendance at events to commemorate the International Day of People with Functional Diversity. Attendance at the National Congress of Large Families in Malaga. Attendance at the presentation of the EMT bus pass, the commemoration of Universal Children's Day organized by the City Council of Valencia together with FANUCOVA. Participation in the International Day against Gender Violence and reading of manifesto.
Attendance at cupcake workshop, organized by the City Council of Bétera to commemorate International Women's Day, cooking course with THERMOMIX in ASFANA. Attendance at the circus in an event organized by FANUCOVA.
Meeting with the Oliva City Council.
Assistance to families in the Aldaia-Alaquas area begins every Monday at the Matilde Salvador center.
Christmas Festival held in the Auditorium of Alaquas with the presence of the Illustrious Regional Secretary Ms. Lucia Cerón. Raffles were held among the attendees and the Falla Ramón y Cajal de Torrent who offered us a brilliant version of the musical Grease. The winners of the VI edition of the ASFANA Awards were: Gran Hotel Peñiscola, Tony Roma's and Ayto.
Board 2014
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 1: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 2: Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL 3: Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL 4: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL 8: Pilar Solaz Matéu
- VOCAL 9: Cecibell Avendaño Lara
- VOCAL 10: Mario Morán Planas
- VOCAL 11: Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VOCAL 12: M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández
- VOCAL 13: Maite Álvarez
2015: Plan + Family Torrent
Attendance at the awards ceremony in recognition of Women organized by the City Council of Aldaia. Participation in the I Autonomous Congress of Large Families, at the Fair of Entities organized by the General Directorate of Family. Participation in the Spring Fair of Alaquàs, at the awards ceremony for the work done in favor of the family. Attendance at the 1st meeting of pets of the Gran Hotel Peñíscola, also at the training day of Caixa Popular. Attendance at the commemoration of Universal Children's Day organized by the City of Valencia with FANUCOVA.
Participation in a Diagnosis-Parlem Conference.
Organization and celebration of the VI Day "En Familia + Divertido" which had the slogan "Sin etiquetas" and took place in Bétera. Presentation of Plan + Family in Torrent. Excursion to Warner Park in Madrid.
Hiring Emy.
Award Ceremony at the Gran Hotel Peñiscola and meeting with new Mayors.
Christmas Festival held at the TAMA of Aldaia with the presence of the General Director of l'Agència Valenciana .d'Igualtat en la Diversitat José de Lamo Pastor. Raffles were held among the attendees and Falla de Antoni Pardo de Torrent delighted us with a Christmas Show. The winners of the VII edition were: Mayda, WARNER and Intercomsolutions.
Board 2015:
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY: Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra
- VICE SECRETARY: Sara Pérez Icarán
- TREASURER: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL 1: Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL 2: Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL 3: Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL 4: Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- VOCAL 5: Carlos Sanchos Botet
- VOCAL 6: Mª Consuelo Tato López
- VOCAL 7: Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL 8: Pilar Solaz Matéu
- VOCAL 9: Cecibell Avendaño Lara
- VOCAL 10: Mario Morán Planas
- VOCAL 11: Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VOCAL 12: M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández
- VOCAL 13: Maite Álvarez
2016: Regional scope
ASFANA has a regional scope.
Participation in the Conference on Equality and Rights, Alaquas Spring Fair, X Anniversary of FANUCOVA. Attendance at the FEFN Congress held in Toledo.
Excursion to Warner Park and Circus WONDERLAND
XIII ASFANA Christmas Festival at the Teatre del Mercat in Aldaia with the presence of the General Director of the Valencian Agency for Equality in Diversity José de Lamo Pastor. Raffles were held among the attendees and the Falla Antoni Pardo Torrent offered us the double musical show "Baila Conmigo" and "Vaya espectáculo de espectáculo". The winners of the VIII edition were: Manuel Giner, Merkal Calzados and Club ASFI- Pachi Garijo.
2016 Board:
- CHAIRMAN. Mr. Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT. Ms. P. Aránzazu Martín Bedate
- SECRETARY. Mrs. Mª Remedios Hidalgo Fabra.
- VICE-SECRETARY. Mrs. Consuelo Tato López
- TREASURER. Mr. Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL (Alaquàs delegate) Mr. Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL (Delegate Bétera) Mr. Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- VOCAL (Requena Delegate) Ms. Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL Ms. Sara Pérez Icarán
- VOCAL Mr. Carlos Sanchis
- VOCAL Mr. Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL Ms. Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL. Mrs. Pilar Solaz Matéu
- VOCAL. Ms. Cecibell Avendaño Lara.
- VOCAL. Mr. Mario Moran Planas
- VOCAL. Mrs. Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VOCAL. Mrs. M. Ángeles Alonso Fernández
2017: Autonomous Congress of Large Families
Participation in the Kid's Family Fair, in the Viveros, Spring Fair (Alaquàs), Jornada Ajudant, Ajudes with the City Council of Bétera and the Associations of Bétera solidaria, Caritas and Civil Protection of Bétera. Together with the member associations of FANUCOVA we have carried out the Autonomous Congress of Large Families. Attendance at the Board of Directors Conference organized by the National Federation of Large Families.
ASFANA Days Family + Fun this year under the theme "School closed lost village", held in Castielfabib. We attended an exclusive preview of the movie "El jefazo". We visited Warner Park twice, in June and October, and attended the Family Day at the Worderland Circus. Attendance at the Fair of Children and Youth "Expo Jove" in Valencia, Thermomix workshop and another on balloon twisting.
Meetings with political parties in Congress for the modification of the law on large families, the situation of divorced parents, shared custody and the anachronism of the obligation of the marital bond, among other issues. Also with the City Councils of Torrent, Aldaia, Requena and Alfafar.
XIV ASFANA Festival, held at the TAMA of Aldaia, with raffles for attendees and enlivened by the Cultural Artistic Association Peloki who delighted us with the play "Maleficent". The winners of the IX edition were: Cines ABC, Óptica Forment and Carolina Martínez.
2017 Board:
- CHAIRMAN. Mr. Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT. Mrs. P. Aránzazu
- SECRETARY. Mrs. Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VICE-SECRETARY. Mr. Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- TREASURER, Mr. Eduardo Hervás
- VOCAL (Alaquàs delegate) Mr. Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL (Requena Delegate) Ms. Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL Mr. Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL Ms. Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL. Mrs. Pilar Solaz Matéu
2018: Quality seal
ASFANA obtains the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Seal of Approval
Attendance at the presentation of the Law on Childhood and Adolescence at the Reina Sofia Auditorium in Valencia, Family Day held in Bétera, Childhood and Youth Fair, Family Day in Burjasot, Alaquas Spring Fair, professional conferences in Madrid and conferences for managers in Segovia. Alaquas Mayoress Meeting.
Trips to Warner in June and October, Family Hiking, Summer Camp, Circus Worderland, ASAFAN, Storytelling Club ASFI in Bétera, Visit to the exhibition of Ninot, Tour for Children in Burjasot, Conference "Misuse of Watsap" in Betera and Valentine's Day in Camelot Park, La Eliana and visit to Expo Jove.
Hiring of Arturo.
XV ASFANA Christmas Festival held at the TAMA of Aldaia, with raffles among attendees and the performance of the Cultural Artistic Association Peloki who offered us the play Wizard of Oz. Our winners in the X edition were: Benito Zuazu, Grabaciones Cabañero and Grupo Quilez.
Board 2018:
- CHAIRMAN. Mr. Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT. Ms. P. Aránzazu Martín
- SECRETARY. Ms. Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
- VICE-SECRETARY. Mr. Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- TREASURER. Mr. Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL (Alaquàs delegate) Mr. Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL (Requena Delegate) Ms. Maite Murcia
- VOCAL Ms. Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL. Ms. Pilar Solaz
- VOCAL. Mrs. M. Teresa Álvarez Martínez
2019: School review academy
Renewal of the ISO 9001:2015 quality seal.
Project registration Recognizes
Start-up of a school review academy
Participation in the Campaign Ajudant,ajudes. Participation in the Autonomous Congress held in the city of Castellón "How to be a Large Family and not die trying" and Recognition of the work and struggle carried out for many years by Arantxa Martín, Vice President of ASFANA, Participation in the video "Morat en moviment" against male violence recorded in Aldaia, Families Diverses Fair, Bétera Youth Fair, Alaquas Spring Fair, Torrent Solidarity Fair, Conference for professionals in Segovia and Participation in the State Congress of Volunteering held in Valencia.
Excursion to the Harry Potter Exhibition, City of Arts, Valencia, Resource Bank, Ninot Exhibition, Excursion to the Cueva de las Calaveras, in Cullera. Excursion to the theater play "Conversations with Mom" and "Tribute to Coco". Collaboration in the Day of emotional self-discovery for families, Training on employability and job search, Visit to the Toy Museum of Denia, Summering Aquopolis, Tupper cooking workshop, Attendance at the play "Maravilloso fue volver" in Flumen Theater, Circus Wonderland.
Meetings with town councils of Ayora, Oliva, Tavernes, Serra, Náquera, Catarroja. Presentation of ASFANA in Burjasot. Meeting of associations in Torrent
Celebration of the XVI ASFANA Christmas Festival at the TAMA of Aldaia, with the traditional raffles among the attendees and the performance of the Cultural Artistic Association Peloki with the play "Alice in Wonderland". The XI ASFANA Awards went to:
Área de Bienestar Social de la Exma. Diputación de Valencia, Modes Cecilias and OCEANOGRÀFIC.
ASFANA Days Family + Fun this year under the theme "School closed lost village", held in Castielfabib. We attended an exclusive preview of the movie "El jefazo". We visited Warner Park twice, in June and October, and attended the Family Day at the Worderland Circus. Attendance at the Fair of Children and Youth "Expo Jove" in Valencia, Thermomix workshop and another on balloon twisting.
Meetings with political parties in Congress for the modification of the law on large families, the situation of divorced parents, shared custody and the anachronism of the obligation of the marital bond, among other issues. Also with the City Councils of Torrent, Aldaia, Requena and Alfafar.
XIV ASFANA Festival, held at the TAMA of Aldaia, with raffles for attendees and enlivened by the Cultural Artistic Association Peloki who delighted us with the play "Maleficent". The winners of the IX edition were: Cines ABC, Óptica Forment and Carolina Martínez.
2017 Board:
- CHAIRMAN. Mr. Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT. Mrs. P. Aránzazu
- SECRETARY. Mrs. Teresa Álvarez Martínez
- VICE-SECRETARY. Mr. Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- TREASURER, Mr. Eduardo Hervás
- VOCAL (Alaquàs delegate) Mr. Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL (Requena Delegate) Ms. Maite Murcia García
- VOCAL Mr. Juan Carlos Villanueva
- VOCAL Ms. Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL. Mrs. Pilar Solaz Matéu
2020: Telework
Attendance at the International Children's Day, Management Seminars in Segovia, Seminars for workers. Attendance at the Citizen Participation Process Day, in Betera. Attendance at an informative meeting on COVID in Aldaia.
Review classes
Distribution of food and basic necessities to confined families
Online activities related to children's entertainment in times of confinement due to the COVID pandemic.
Meeting and visit to Carrefour Alfafar and La Eliana
XVII ASFANA Christmas Festival held online streamer from the facilities of Arteaespai that with its actors made us enjoy the play Cuentos de Piratas, to put a finishing touch with the musical group Tenessi. Online raffles were also held and the XII ASFANA Awards were presented to Civil Protection, Caixa Popular and R.Loxley.
2020 Board
- CHAIRMAN. Mr. Eduardo Pinazo González
- VICE-PRESIDENT. Ms. P. Aránzazu Martín
- SECRETARY. Ms. Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
- VICE-SECRETARY. Mr. Guillermo Garijo Vierna
- TREASURER. Mr. Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
- VOCAL (Alaquàs delegate) Mr. Evelio Jiménez García
- VOCAL (Requena Delegate) Ms. Maite Murcia
- VOCAL Ms. Azucena Loras Campos
- VOCAL. Ms. Pilar Solaz
- VOCAL. Mrs. M. Teresa Álvarez Martínez
2021: Signing of agreements
At least 125 social vouchers have been processed
Face-to-face and teleworking system, according to stages of the pandemic
Signing of an agreement with APNADAH, Afamo and Adonay.
Excursion to the Hanging Bridges in Chulilla, Self-makeup workshop and double trip to WARNER: June and October (with bus). Circus Day and participation in the Universal Children's Day.
Review school
Celebration of the XVIII ASFANA Christmas Festival at the Teatre del Mercat in Aldaia. The traditional raffles were held and the morning was enlivened by the Asociación Artístico Cultural Peloki with the play Nadal Magic. The winners of the ASFANA Awards this year were: Javier Crespo Bordonau, Nortehispana and Que camisetas.
Board 2021
- CHAIRMAN: Eduardo Pinazo
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Arantxa Martín
- SECRETARY: Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
- VICE-SECRETARY: Guillermo José Garijo Vierna
- TREASURER: Eduardo Hervás
- VOCAL: Pilar Solaz
- VOCAL: Azucena Loras
- VOCAL: Maite Murcia
- VOCAL: Adela Sanjuán García
- VOCAL: Iván Ráez García
- VOCAL: Gemma Soriano Serrano
- VOCAL: Rocío Márquez Pedregal
- VOCAL: Mercedes López Santiago
2022: Nuevas redes
Contratación de Mary Carmen como responsable de comunicación
Se han tramitado 688 gestiones de títulos de familia numerosa
Sistema de trabajo presencial y teletrabajo
Abrimos redes sociales nuevas y fomentamos las existentes con un equipo de marketing
Hemos conmemorado 11 días internacionales
Escuela de repaso
Talleres de maquillaje
Charlas y talleres online
Visita a la fábrica Museo del Chocolate
Actividades como yoga
Teatro, viaje a la Warner Bros Park (Bus), campus de verano, visita al Oceanogràfic
Asistimos en Ferias como la de Primavera y de Voluntariado en Torrent
Concurso de logotipo “XX Aniversario ASFANA”
Realizamos nuestro XVIII festival de Navidad con premios y galardonados
Programa Familias que ayudan a familias
Junta 2022
•PRESIDENTE: Eduardo Pinazo González
•VICEPRESIDENTA: Pilar Aranzazu Martín
•SECRETARIA: Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
•VICESECRETARIO: Guillermo José Garijo Vierna
•TESORERO: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
•VOCAL: Azucena Loras Campos
•VOCAL: Maria Pilar Solaz Mateu
•VOCAL: Adela Sanjuán García
•VOCAL: Iván Ráez García
•VOCAL: Gemma Soriano Serrano
•VOCAL: Rocío Márquez Pedregal
•VOCAL: Mercedes López Santiago
•VOCAL: María Teresa Murcia García
2023: 20 Aniversario
Se han tramitado 597 gestiones de títulos en el 2023
Hemos celebrado 42 días Internacionales
Abrimos canal de Telegram
Sistema de trabajo presencial y teletrabajo
Seguimos con la Escuela de repaso
Charlas y Talleres online
Actividades como yoga
Creación de un Club de ocio
Muchas actividades como: Musical “Regreso a los 80”, Musical Coco, viaje a la Warner Bros Park (Bus), campus de verano, visita al Museo de las Ciencias y Exposición del Ninot, circo solidario, participación en el Día del Deporte en Familia, campus de verano, visita el museo de Sisternas, Taller de reciclaje para niños y jóvenes, Tercer Campus deportivo Bétera, La Ciencia de Pixar, Musical la Sirenita
Asistimos en Ferias como la de Primavera en Alaquàs
Reunión con el Director de Familia, con el Alcalde de Aldaia
Comparecencia de Eduardo Pinazo en las Cortes Valencianas
Presentamos nuestro nuevo servicio de asesoramiento y acompañamiento en tramitación de situación de dependencia y discapacidad.
Festival Internacional del Cine Infantil a precios especiales para socios
Celebración de nuestro XX Aniversario con We Love Queen
Junta 2023
•PRESIDENTE: Eduardo Pinazo González
•VICEPRESIDENTA: Pilar Aranzazu Martín
•SECRETARIA: Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
•VICESECRETARIO: Guillermo José Garijo Vierna
•TESORERO: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
•VOCAL: Azucena Loras Campos
•VOCAL: Maria Pilar Solaz Mateu
•VOCAL: Adela Sanjuán García
•VOCAL: Iván Ráez García
•VOCAL: Gemma Soriano Serrano
•VOCAL: Rocío Márquez Pedregal
•VOCAL: Mercedes López Santiago
•VOCAL: María Teresa Murcia García
2024: con Valencia
97 socios nuevos
625 gestiones de títulos de familia numerosa (65 altas nuevas y el resto renovaciones, modificaciones, duplicados, etc…)
Hemos celebrado 40 días Internacionales
Sistema de trabajo presencial y teletrabajo.
Seguimos con la Escuela de repaso
Charlas y Talleres online
Actividades como yoga
Asistimos a las Jornadas Profesionales en Segovia
Se realizan actividades como: Circo on Ice, Día del Deporte en Familia, Jornada Familiar en la Warner (bus), Campus de verano y de fútbol, Teatro Hansel y Gretel, Taller de esparto, La ratita presumida
Asistimos a la XXVII Festa de la Primavera en Alaquàs, Feria de asociaciones de Requena y a la Feria de Godella
Reuniones con la Directora de Familia
Se celebró el IV Congreso Autonómico de Familias Numerosas
Iniciamos curso de voluntariado junto con campaña.
Tras la riada, ASFANA se vuelca con cualquier familia afectada, iniciando recogida, planificación, llamadas a todos nuestros socios para ver su estado.
Celebramos nuestro XXI Festival de Navidad en la intimidad del Teatre Mercat de Aldaia
Junta 2024
•PRESIDENTE: Eduardo Pinazo González
•VICEPRESIDENTA: Pilar Aranzazu Martín
•SECRETARIA: Patricia del Pilar Garijo Martin
•VICESECRETARIO: Guillermo José Garijo Vierna
•TESORERO: Eduardo Hervás Lafuente
•VOCAL: Azucena Loras Campos
•VOCAL: Maria Pilar Solaz Mateu
•VOCAL: Adela Sanjuán García
•VOCAL: Iván Ráez García
•VOCAL: Gemma Soriano Serrano
•VOCAL: Rocío Márquez Pedregal
•VOCAL: Mercedes López Santiago
•VOCAL: María Teresa Murcia García