¿Cómo son y qué necesitan las familias numerosas? Ayúdanos a saberlo participando en la encuesta

Un año más, la Federación Nacional de Familias Numerosas lanza la encuesta anual sobre familias numerosas con la que elaboraran la Radiografía de las Familias Numerosas en España, un estudio que realizan todos los años para conocer mejor a estos hogares, cómo son y qué necesidades tienen. El estudio se realiza con el apoyo del … Leer más

One third of large families live on less than 2,000 euros and 7 out of 10 find it hard to make ends meet

According to a study by the Spanish Federation of Large Families on households with 3 or more children, based on more than 1,800 surveys throughout Spain, of which 331 are families associated with any of the five associations integrated to FANUCOVA (ASAFAN, FANUCAS, ASFANA, AVAFAM and MAS DOS) Having 3 or more children ... Read more

Large Families Photo Contest "Great Families, Great Moments" is announced.

Our Spanish Federation of Large Families announces the Large Families Photo Contest "Great families, great moments". There is a great prize: a two-night stay with bed and breakfast for the whole family, in one of the three great accommodations that collaborate in the contest: Hotel Iberostar Punta Cana **** (Ayamonte, Huelva), Suitopía Sol (Ayamonte, ... Read more

ASFANA's commitment to the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030

The Asociación de Familias Numerosas, ASFANA, a non-profit organization that works to defend the rights and interests of large families, is firmly committed to the 2030 Agenda and to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to the organization's core activities.The ... Read More