ASFANA's commitment to the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030

The Asociación de Familias Numerosas, ASFANA, a non-profit organization that works to defend the rights and interests of large families, is firmly committed to the 2030 Agenda and to the fulfillment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
, particularly those related to the main activities of the organization.
Compliance with the SDGs is also related to the implementation of the ten principles of the Global Compact for third sector entities, as both frameworks are cross-cutting in the end they pursue: building more sustainable societies and organizations.
Our commitment extends to all stakeholders and throughout our value chain: members of the board of directors, professional staff, beneficiaries and/or partners, collaborators and suppliers with whom we work.

This report includes those SDGs linked to our organizational strategy:

SDG 1: End poverty:

ASFANA works to eradicate poverty among members of large families and promoting equal opportunities
➢ Informing and advising on the benefits to which they are entitled
➢ Promoting agreements within the framework of the PLAN+FAMILY, with companies and businesses, establishing discounts and benefits on their products and services
➢ Participating in solidarity initiatives and integrating in various Social Welfare Councils.
➢ Contacts with third sector entities, public administration and other public and private organizations to defend the rights, claims and develop proposals for the benefit of large families.
➢ Promoting associationism through its communication channels and organizing conferences and activities.
Promoting accessible leisure and culture at reduced prices.

SDG 2: Zero hunger

➢ Informing and advising on the benefits to which they are entitled
➢ Through its own Food Bank and participating in others.


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